朴槿惠伢先访华 中韩进入蜜月期让日本坐不住_国际新闻_环球网:2021-6-28 · ”日本《产经新闻》27日认为,韩国既是东亚一员,也是西方自由 世界同盟的成员,中韩会从实际利益出发,现实地处理问题,但却不会过分信任 ...
PyrexLove fan Shannon was kind enough to share her recent acquisition, a lovely lidded round casserole we had called “Silhouette,” which features a dark orange-red on a peachy background which made the pattern into silhouettes of daisies. She received it NIB and it came with a round rattan trivet!
From Shannon:
The box reads: Pyrex designer 4078 Daisy 1 qt covered round casserole with Rattan Trivet. The side of the box reads: A beautiful and practical gift. A sparkling accent for any table. Custom Designed trivet for an elegant buffet warm colors in harmony with today’s interiors.
The bottom of the dish reads 473-B.
“汉语桥”中文比赛瑞士赛区决赛圆满落幕-国际在线 - CRI:2021-5-12 · 比赛现场 国际在线报道(中国国际广播电台记者 易歆):第十八届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛、第十二届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛瑞士赛区决赛11日在日内瓦圆满落幕。来自瑞士各地的6名大学 …